Toad Jumping Up and Down

Sunday, September 27, 2015


 In daily we life, there are times when we have to translate Englis. We usually lazy to translate and always choose to use some aplication. We can try to translate without using aplication, there are several ways that we can easily translate.

-  More knowledge about vocab, if you know about some vocab you can easily to translate because you don't need dictionary to found some vocab.
- You can start to translate evry sentence not every words, soe people usually translate every words its wrong because it's make harder and long to finish.
- You must try to read some newspaper or magazine about englihs.
- The last you can try to speak english with your family or your frien, and one thing it's important that you should not be afraid to speak english.


In Tourism we often hear about travel agent and maybe you had use travel agent fot your journey. But actually what it a travel agent ? What the value of travel agent ? and why some people usually choose travel agent ? Here, i will try to expalnation about travel agent.
Travel agency is a business that sells travel and tourism services provided by other business, travel agenct is a business that links buyers of travel and tourism services with appropriate  sellers, providing information and advice to buyers, as well as selling services. But don't forget that travel agent give some experience and knowledge for potential travellers.The value of atravel agent to a toutisr is twofold. First, there is the convenience of the travel agent gathering the relevant information. Second, there is confidance that the travel agent has done a professional and independent job in gathering prices and information about all the relevant travel adn tourism service providers. (Heung & Chu, 2000.) Travellers are using travel agent because agencies are cheaper for what travellers want, or because they perceive travel agents as being simply cheaper overall. However, the main reasons for travellers using travel agents are their convenience and independences.

Very often the simple past verb ends in- ed but many important verbs are irregular. The past simple tense from is the sama for all persons (except with the verb be).
-          Example          : We invinted them to pur party, but they decided not to come.

In simple past uestions and negative we use did/didn’t + the base from.
-          Example          :  When did Mrs. Johnson die ?

                           We didn’t invite her to the party, so she didn’t come.

Talking about actions or situation in the past. The simple past tense is also used for a past habit and also for repeated actions. We use the simple past to describe states in the past.

-          Example          : He always carried an umbrella.

                          We lived just outside Oxford in the nineties, but we didn’t have a car


    I/we/you/they         +          PAST TENSE










We use the present continous when we talk about an action that began in the past and has recently stopped or just sopped.

-          Example          : You’re out of breath. Have you been running ?

We also use the present perfect continous to sdk or say how long something has been happeniong. This time the action or situation began in the past and is still happening or has just stopped.

-          Example          : How long have you been studying English ?

We use the present perfect continuous to say how long something has been happening. Note that the action is still happening now. Some verbs (be, have, know) are not normally used in the continous.

I/we/you/they             HAVE+BEEN+PRESENT PARTICIPLE


-          Example          : I have been staying at his place is month

                          We have been waiting for you since eight o’clock

                          She has been studying English for over three years.


Subject + to be + Verb3

In passive sentence, if you want to say who did or what caused the action, use by.

-          Example          : This house was built by my grandfather

In passive sentences we use the correct from of be (am, are, is, was, were, been, being, and be) + the past participle. To change Active into Passive, the object of active verb becomes the subject in the new sentence. The active verb changes into passive form an the subject of the active verb becomes the agent which is either introduced with ‘by’ or is omitted. The passive can be used only with transitive verbs (verbs which take an object such as give, write, take, open).
-          Example          : The mayor opened the new school (active)

                          The new school was opened by the mayor (passive) by the mayor is the agent.

With verbs that take two objects, it is more usual to begin the passive sentence with a person.

-          Example          : They offered Ann a job. (active)

                          Ann was offered a job. (passive)

The verbs believe, expect, feel, hope, know, report, say, think  are used in the following passive patterns in personal and impersonal construction. We use be + past pasriciple or have been + Past pasrticiple after modal verbs (will, can, may)

-          Example          : He can’t repair the lock. (active)

                          The lock can’t be repaired. (passive)

In passive questions with who/whom/which we don’t omit by.

-          Example          : Who gave you this book? (active)

                          Who were you given this look by? (passive)

Travel Agency Advert (After Effects template project)

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Berkunjung ke Rumah Guguk


Zaman sekarang tempat yang lucu dan menarik buat ngumpul bareng temen - temen lagi heboh banget dikalangan anak muda, apalagi di Bandung. Banyak tempat - tempat asik dan cafee - cafee yang ngasih fasilitas yang enak buat ngumpul bareng temen - temen. Di Setiabudi banyak sih tempat - tempat yang asik buat ngumpul tapi ada salah satu tempat yang unik dan asik juga buat ngumpul tapi beda dari yang lain. Tempat ini bukan sekedar cafee atau tempat buat sekedar ngumpul bareng, ngobrol, atau yang lainya. Kita bisa ngumpul bareng temen- temen sambil dikelilingin anjing - anjing lucu namanya Rumah Guguk. Tempat ini ada di daerah Setiabudi, tempatnya nyaman banget dan bakalan ngerasa betah banget kalau udah nongkrong di Rumah Guguk, apalagi buat orang - orang yang suka banget sama anjing. Disana kita bisa makan, foto" sama anjing dan ngajak main anjing - anjing lucu. Tempatnya juga ngga terlalu jauh dan ngga akan nyesel kalau kalian datang kesini dan bakal ketagihan datang kesana kaya aku. Selain anjing - anjingnya yang lucu pemilik Rumah Guguknyapun ramah dan biasa membuat pa pengunjung ngerasa nyaman. Pokonya ini salah satu tempat yang asik yang pernah aku datengin, beda banget pokonya sama beberapa tempat - tempat nongkrong atau cafee - cafee yang pernah aku datengin. Kalian juga bisa ajakin kelarga kalian kalau emang keluarga kalian juga pecinta anjing.


#rumah guguk

Rumah Guguk juga menyediakan fasilitas buat perawatan anjing, jadi bagi kalaian yang punya anjing peliharaan kalian bisa bawa anjing bawa kalian ke Rumah Guguk, Anjing kalian bisa berenang dan bermain bareng anjing lainya yang ada di Rumah Guguk. Di Rumah Guguk juga ada aksesoris buat anjing kalian, dari mulai baju sampai aksesoris lainya. Peliharaan kalian juga nyaman dan kalianpun nyaman karena suasa di Rumah Guguk enak banget dan sejuk, ngga akan ngerasa bosen deh kalian bawa anjing peliharaan kalian buat perawatan dan kalian bisa nunggu anjing kalian sambil makan dan ngobrol bareng temen - temen kalian. Anjing - anjing disana juga lucu - lucu dan ngga liar yang jelas kalian bisa pua banget main bareng anjing. Kalau kalian ngaku pecinta anjing jangan sampe lupa buat dateng ke tempat ini. Buat yang diluar kota juga ngga apa - apa sekali kali kalian mampir ke tempat ini buat cari suasana baru buat kalian dan anjing peliharaan kalian.